Bermuda’s Most Beautiful Places Become Shimmering Cinemagraphs
Lens: 24mm • F-stop: 4.3 • Frame Rate: 60 When they enca…
Welcome to the web’s #1 cinemagraph resource. Join our mailing list and never miss a new post. We share news, tips, case studies, and stories about top cinemagraph creators from around the world.
Lens: 24mm • F-stop: 4.3 • Frame Rate: 60 When they enca…
As marketers compete for our attention with banner ads, soc…
The hardest part of creating amazing long exposures is out …
Unmanned aerial vehicles, more commonly referred to as drone…
Cinemagraph Pro, the app that defined a new medium for v…
The days are getting shorter and the leaves will soon begin …
Video has become the most powerful content marketing tool st…
Cinemagraphs are living photos; an exciting new medium tha…
Best 4 Apps to Make Beautiful Cinemagraphs on Android and iO…
The Perfect Loop Episode 3: Talking About 2018 NBA Playoffs …
Cinemagraphs are dazzling. They capture and hold our attenti…
We are always on the lookout for new updates, features, and …
We're Back with a New Episode of The Perfect Loop: The Offic…
Images play an especially important role in engaging social …
Bringing the Cinemagraph World Right to Your Ears Cin…
We love cinemagraphs And that’s why we started Flixel…
With the Winter Olympics Around the Corner, It's Time to Mak…
We always love a good Flixel Instagram contest, and that is …
#MyFlixelHoliday Cinemagraph Contest The winter holidays is…
Video Marketing in 2017: The Year of Micro Video Content In…
Whether you love it or dislike it, Instagram has become an i…
2017 Was A Great Year for Cinemagraphs We mean it. Every ye…
From a clockmaker that never sleeps to a workout that never …
The festive season is in full swing, and we're pretty excite…
You've always been able to follow accounts on Instagram -- s…
Shopping for photographers can be challenging. So we made it…
With the holidays around the corner, it's time for a new cin…
Plentea Brings Tea Culture to Toronto's Parkdale Neighbourho…
Toronto start up Collage Offers HR Platform to Help Small Bu…
Queen Street Laundry: A 40-year Old Establishment That Puts …
Photos by Aaron Paul Canadians Love the Winter Olympics…
Black Widow Tattoo Immortalizes Your Stories The best sto…
Fit Factory Fitness Creates Community Through Military-Style…
It’s Time to Create Cinemagraphs—and Win Big with Flixel and…
Ever since we held our first Flixel Walk in Brooklyn last ye…
Whether you're a small business working to gain more custome…
Travel photography has quickly become one of the most popula…
Cinemagraph styles for marketing. Think of some of your favo…
Your iPhone is a Creative Mobile Studio There are a lot of …
Every few weeks, Flixel hosts an Instagram challenge, called…
The Flixel Marketing Interns Pick The Best Cinemagraphs of S…
Original cinemagraph by fstopshot What is the diffe…
We all have our favourite local diners, clothing boutiques, …
The Power of Video Loops For a long time, people relied on …
As some of you may not know, our iconic hummingbird logo…
Scroll, scroll, click, scroll… Switch tabs. That’s the av…
Let’s face it: every now and again, we all find ourselves ga…
Flixel hosts a weekly Instagram cinemagraph challenge called…
Earlier this month Flixel was invited to the Social Mixer Se…
Facebook Video Ads Featuring Cinemagraphs Deliver Better Res…
Back in the early 2000s, as a pint-sized, wide-eyed kid, I o…
Every few weeks, Flixel hosts an Instagram challenge, dubbed…
Visual Storytelling: Past, Present & Future In the ever…
Thirteen years and 2 billion monthly active users later, Fac…
Whether you're new to the cinemagraph game, or if you've bee…
Every other week, Flixel hosts an Instagram challenge, dubbe…
This is a revamped version of a past article published on th…
Every other week, Flixel hosts an Instagram challenge, dubbe…
Click the cinemagraph above to see it full screen, or …
Living through the advent of an entirely new medium is a tre…
Over the past 3 years, Snapchat has changed the way we share…
Every other week, Flixel hosts an Instagram challenge, dubbe…
Facebook Ads Case Study: The Ride The Ride is Canada's …
Ever since we held our first Flixel Walk in New York last ye…
Over the past 5 years, Instagram has blossomed into the prem…
Armand Dijcks is one of the most innovative cinemagraph crea…
Businesses of all sizes face the challenge of producing …
Flixel hosts a weekly Instagram cinemagraph challenge that i…
Restaurant Uses Cinemagraphs on Facebook to Drive More Traff…
Video is driving social media and digital advertising. Video…
Though we may have to put up with a bit of rain and mud, spr…
This month we started #TheFlixelProject - a bi-weekly Instag…
If you're here, you've probably heard about cinemagraphs: an…
From NYC, to South Korea, to Estonia, our Flixel Wizards spa…
Did you know that email is 40 times more effective at acquir…
It is said that the best camera is the one you have with you…
With Snap's recent IPO, we wanted to highlight how you can s…
Everyone loves a little magic. It probably has to do with th…
We sometimes hear people describe cinemagraphs as Boomer…
Cinemagraphs are a compelling medium that tell a unique stor…
More and more, brands are turning to micro video content l…
Ah, weddings. What a beautiful time to celebrate - and captu…
Take a minute and think of some of your favourite photograph…
Fashion and cinemagraphs are a match made in heaven. Take fa…
We've been wishing, and hoping, and thinking, and praying fo…
How to Post Cinemagraphs to Twitter Twitter is a fantastic …
I get asked this question a lot... and though some of it com…
Flixel Featured on Marketing Land Live Podcast In mid-Novem…
Being a hub of creativity and community, Instagram has becom…
Bring Presentations to Life with Cinemagraphs Created with F…
We started Flixel for one reason. We love cinemagraphs an…
Cinemagraphs Quickly Become the Best Performing Content on F…
This holiday season, we decided to spread a little #FlixelCh…
Thomas Brand serenades you with cinemagraphs. We aren't exag…
As a new medium, cinemagraphs are continuously evolving. Sta…
Winter is coming. Pretty soon we will be “watching the night…
Flixel Photo Booth experiences are the best way to bring the…
At Flixel, we are encouraged by our community and their pass…
Apple’s iOS 10 upgrade this September placed Message GIFs in…
Hosted by Flixel in conjunction with the Canadian Technology…