Cinemagraphs Quickly Become the Best Performing Content on Facebook and Instagram
2016 was another great year for cinemagraphs. Over 13.5 million cinemagraphs were viewed on Flixel social media channels. That’s a massive increase from 2015 and further proof that cinemagraphs have quickly become the most popular visual medium for both organic and paid content on Facebook and Instagram. It’s no wonder that Facebook tells their biggest customers that if want to create better performing ads, they should be using cinemagraphs.
We took a look at the cinemagraphs that Flixel posted this year on Facebook and Instagram, and put together a list of some of the best performers. We based our list on the engagement that each cinemagraph received. What do you think leads to better engagement on a cinemagraph? Let us know in the comments.
Best Performing Cinemagraphs on Facebook
Cinemagraph by Thomas Brand
Thomas Brand’s cinemagraph is the most viewed cinemagraph on our Facebook page with a reach of 1.6 million. This cinemagraph was also the winner of our biggest contest ever, ‘My Flixel Moment’ and was displayed in Times Square in New York City.
Cinemagraph by Michel Molder
Everybody loves airtime. We saw a lot of levitate type cinemagraphs this year, and Michel’s creative saw tons of engagement on Facebook. These type of cinemagraphs will surely sweep your audience off their feet!
Cinemagraph by Cory Zimmerman
Sometimes it’s best to keep it simple. Cinemagraphs that relate to your audience on an ‘everyday moment’ work great on social! Nothing says it better than enjoying a moment of relaxation with a group of friends.
Cinemagraph by Greg Phillips
Views for days. Showing the gorgeous subtlety of nature through a cinemagraph is a guaranteed cliffhanger. Vertical videos also help to take over more of the screen, making it hard to miss this cinemagraph while browsing through your social feeds.
Best Performing Cinemagraphs on Instagram
Cinemagraph by Johny Sinatra
With over 19,000 impressions, Johnny’s beautifully composed and comical cinemagraph was very well received. Having a human element in your cinemagraph adds character and perspective.
Cinemagraph by Jonathan Kane Houldsworth
Merging the best of both worlds; time-lapses and cinemagraphs, Flixel Wizard Jonathan Kane Houldsworth knows a thing or two about what works on Instagram. Having won the Instagram Cannes Competition, Jon constantly sets the bar for the medium of cinemagraphs.
Cinemagraph by Mario Sahe-Lacheante
Subtlety is king. When we shared Mario’s gorgeous cinemagraph, our community was wonderfully baffled by the soft blinking lights. Having a subtle element in your cinemagraph mesmerizes your audience and captivates their attention– they’re not expecting to see any motion, then all of a sudden they’re surprised. These are the types of cinemagraphs that people can’t stop staring at.
Cinemagraph by Andy Zakeli
Shadow Play. Shadows are an easy element to incorporate into cinemagraphs. Being creative with it, like Andy did here with the dab, is a sure jaw dropper. ‘The Dab’ took over our social feeds this year, and seeing it in a cinemagraph definitely caught people’s attention. I mean how could it not; it’s useful while sneezing and when you’re holding on in a moving bus.