5 Ways to Use Cinemagraphs for Social Media Marketing Posts and Ads

Have you thought about adding cinemagraphs to your social media posts and ads?

Think cinemagraphs are only for deep-pocketed marketing groups at Disney, Netflix, Chanel and Saks Fifth Avenue? Well think again. As Adweek, Time, Marketing Land and other major publications have recently proclaimed, 2015 is going to be the year of cinemagraphs for social media marketers. Are you ready?

If you haven’t started exploring cinemagraphs for your business, you’re likely missing out on a great opportunity to increase engagement with your audience. Studies have shown that social media posts and social media ads that use a cinemagraph – “a living photo” – are seeing as much as 5 times the click-thru-rates as posts that use a still photo.

Seems that we just can’t ignore the magic of a cinemagraph and that’s great news for social media marketers. And unlike trying to create cinemagraphs with traditional hard to use photo-editing and special effects programs,  Cinemagraph Pro for Mac and Cinemagraph Pro for iPhone/iPad makes it easy and fun to do. The results can be spectacular and magical.

Below are five examples of cinemagraph in social media posts or ads on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine. and Tumblr. They can help you increase ROI on your social media marketing programs. 








A cinemagraph makes social media marketing on Instagram come to life. @mitchstonehair #Flixel #cinemagraph

A video posted by Flixel Photos (@flixelphotos) on






(Chief Marketing Officer)

Robert eats, sleeps and snores cinemagraphs while leading the Flixel Marketing Team. He stands at work but spends an awful lot of time seated on his road bike.


  1. Notice how some of these are animated GIFs and others are video? I'm looking for more information about optimizing Cinemagraphs for the various platforms. Best resolution, best files types...

    • Which platforms? Generally, you can upload HD video natively to Facebook, Instagram and soon Twitter.

  2. Hi There! Can you provide any guidance on using Flixel cinemagraphs with LinkedIn articles or posts? Do you have any examples of using the embed code as the banner / ribbon background for an article? Thanks!

    • Hi David. Unfortunately, LinkedIn has very limited support for embeds. I believe you can use YouTube, Facebook and a few others. At present, they block the Flixel iFrame. Here's an example of how I used a cinemagraph I posted on Facebook as an embed in a LinkedIn article. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pepsico-tests-flixel-cinemagraphs-facebook-ads-gets-results-lendvai

  3. Hi! Great article I would like to know how to use a cinemagraph as the featured image of my blog posts like your article called

    <<Flixel Contest Explores The World of Magical Cinemagraphs<<

    • Hi Kosi, we simply added the GIF as the featured image for the post. I don't think you need any additional code!

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