What is a Cinemagraph and How Do They Work?
Cinemagraphs are dazzling. They capture and hold our attention with their alluri…
Welcome to the web’s #1 cinemagraph resource. Join our mailing list and never miss a new post. We share news, tips, case studies, and stories about top cinemagraph creators from around the world.
Cinemagraphs are dazzling. They capture and hold our attention with their alluri…
The festive season is in full swing, and we're pretty excited about it. December…
You've always been able to follow accounts on Instagram -- such as your friends,…
With the holidays around the corner, it's time for a new cinemagraph contest! I…
Photos by Aaron Paul Canadians Love the Winter Olympics Even if you don't …
Whether you're a small business working to gain more customers, or a professiona…
Travel photography has quickly become one of the most popular genres of photogra…
The Power of Video Loops For a long time, people relied on GIFs ― an ancient fi…
As some of you may not know, our iconic hummingbird logo has a name. HERMANO…
Whether you're new to the cinemagraph game, or if you've been around for a while…
Click the cinemagraph above to see it full screen, or grab the embed code …
Though we may have to put up with a bit of rain and mud, spring is a beautiful s…
From NYC, to South Korea, to Estonia, our Flixel Wizards span across the globe t…
Did you know that email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers th…
Everyone loves a little magic. It probably has to do with that childlike wonder …
Cinemagraphs are a compelling medium that tell a unique story. Many of the best …
How to Post Cinemagraphs to Twitter Twitter is a fantastic social network to sh…
I get asked this question a lot... and though some of it comes down to bias, the…
Flixel Featured on Marketing Land Live Podcast In mid-November, Barry Levine fr…
We started Flixel for one reason. We love cinemagraphs and we wanted to make …